How long does a PayPal refund take?

 You have purchased an item via PayPal and you are not satisfied with your purchase, then what you finally do is decide to return it. However, after returning it you might have to wait for the PayPal refund to get deposited in your account. Sometimes, the refund is not initiated until you request a refund from PayPal. But, there is one condition that you need to fulfill that should not be more than 180 days since you made the purchase.

Once after doing a PayPal login, you can easily return any purchased item and ask for a PayPal refund. Now, the question that might trouble a user's mind is how long it takes for PayPal to initiate my refund request.

Where is my PayPal refund?

Refunds are usually credited back to your account within 2-5 business days if everything goes right. However, on an off chance, if you ever come across a situation where your PayPal refund is not initiated immediately, then you may complete the PayPal sign in process and check the status of your request. If it shows pending, then you should wait for at least 30 days to get the refund deposited back to your account.

In case you have made the payment via PayPal balance, then you should check your PayPal account balance and see if you have received the refund amount or not. You can also check your transaction history for the same.

Why your PayPal Refund is taking too long?

If your refund is taking longer than usual to complete, then you might want to know the reason behind it. In the case the refund status is showing "Pending" again and again then there is a possibility that the seller is initiating the payment through your bank account.


It is clear from the above post that a PayPal refund can be expected to be credited to your account within a few days. If you do not get the refund within a week, then you might need to wait at least a month or so.


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